2024 season

Resources for Competitors

This page has all of the information that you need for the 2024 WAC World Final and your big trip to Lisbon. We will be updating this page regularly and notifying competitors of changes by email.

Be sure to bookmark this page so you can access it whenever you need.

Congratulations, Champ!


If you're reading this, then you brewed the best AeroPress coffee your country has to offer - colour us impressed!

Out of thousands of competitors worldwide, you are one of only 64 being invited to Lisboa to represent their country in the 2024 World AeroPress Championship.

If you have questions about things not covered here, please check the FAQ section below, or reach out to us directly at the email below.

Otherwise we’ll see you in sunny Lisbon!


The W.A.C Team
Tim Williams & Grant Gamble

Information to share with your friends and family back home.


September 19-21, 2024

Suspenso Lisboa
R. de Santiago 19, 1100-001 Lisboa, Portugal

Spectator Tickets are on sale at the World Final page.

Not this year. Friends and family back home can track the competition live on our website, or get a behind the scenes look on our social media.

Click the link below for the poster and social-media friendly sizes (labelled 4x5). Be sure to tag us on Instagram at @aero.press

Official WAC Welcome Party


More information coming soon.


Before You Arrive

When do I need to arrive?

We have events planned for you on September 19, 20, and 21st.

Ensure that your host books your travel so that you are in Lisbon, well rested, and feeling fresh for midday Thursday, September 19th.

Visa Arrangements

Not every person entering Portugal needs a visa, but every country requirements are different. Make sure to read the following carefully. You don't want to be turned away at the border before your big day.


Read about eligibility to entering Portugal here.


Please note, while we’ll help where we can, we have no influence over the granting of visas.

What to bring

If you like to travel light, all you really need to bring is an AeroPress, your shiny new Comandante and a dream.

Make sure that you bring your Comandante C40 that you won in your national championship, as Comandantes are the only grinder allowed for use in Competition.

That said, some extra items that you might want to consider bringing with you are brewing pitchers/carafes, thermometers, stirrers, fines sieves, other tools and a bunch of friends to cheer you on.

Oh and if you do want to bring your own electronics, please make sure that they are able to run on Portuguese power (230V). In Portugal, the power plugs and sockets are of type F. The standard voltage is 230 V, and the standard frequency is 50 Hz per second.

The Competition Coffee

This is really important! We are not sending out practice coffee before the competition.

In previous years, around 30% of the practice coffee never arrives to competitors. To make it fair for everyone, all competitors will receive their practice coffee one day before the World Final during the coffee presentation.

No exceptions, sorry.

This year's coffee will be sourced by Cafe Imports and roasted by none other than NOMAD Coffee.

The Competition Grinder

Comandante is the official grinder sponsor of the 2024 World AeroPress Championship.

Bring the custom WAC x Comandante C40 you received after winning your national championship, or you can bring any Comandante model if you have a lucky one sitting on your brew bar.


When packing your bags, please ensure:

Your equipment is safe and in good working order. Unsafe equipment will be disallowed.

Please know that all equipment is brought at your own risk. We cannot accept any responsibility for lost, stolen, or damaged equipment.

the boring but very important stuff

Official Things

Official Rules

Regardless of the rules that applied during your national competition, below are the official rules for the 2024 World AeroPress Championship:

Code of Conduct

The World AeroPress Championship exists to bring coffee-loving people together in an open, inclusive, and fun environment. By taking part, you agree to uphold this mission and adhere to our Code of Conduct.


We believe that everyone involved has a right to feel welcomed and valued in our community, regardless of gender, religion, race, age, ethnicity, appearance or sexual orientation.

Behaviour, whether intentional or not, that causes other participants to feel uncomfortable, harassed, or victimised will not be tolerated by the organizers.

We expect that members of the W.A.C community be genuinely considerate of others at all times, without exception. Failure to meet this expectation may result in expulsion from an event, without notice or refund.


If you are made to feel uncomfortable, or experience it happening to someone else, please notify a volunteer or organizing staff immediately.


Frequently asked questions

you made it to the end

Still have questions?

If you have any questions that haven't been answered above or require any extra assistance, please reach out to us by email.

Competitor questions will not be answered unless they are emailed to us.