Position: Inverted
Filter: 2 Paper Filters, Rinsed
Grind: @comandantegrinder MK4, 900 microns
Water: TWW Light Roast Profile, 50ml at 80c / 100ml at 75c / 30ml room temperature
☕️ Coffee:
Sourced by @cafeimports, Roasted by @olisipocoffee
Country: Ethiopia
Region: Guji
Washing Station: Arsosala
Process: Washed
Variety: Heirloom Ethiopian Varieities
Elevation: 1,800 - 1,900 masl
1. **Prepare the Coffee:**
- Grind 18 grams of coffee to a grind size of 900 microns.
- Place the ground coffee into the AeroPress (inverted position).
2. **First Addition and Stirring:**
- Add 50 ml of hot water at 80°C to the coffee in the AeroPress.
- Stir gently with a spoon in a circular motion 5 times to ensure even saturation of the grounds.
- Let the coffee sit for 1 minute to bloom.
3. **Filter Preparation:**
- While the coffee blooms, place two white filters inside the AeroPress cap.
- Rinse and moisten the filters with hot water to remove any paper taste and ensure proper filtration.
4. **Second Water Addition:**
- After 1 minute, add 100 ml of hot water at 75°C to the AeroPress.
- Secure the AeroPress cap firmly.
5. **Air Release and Stirring:**
- After securing the cap, gently release half of the air inside the AeroPress.
- Stir the AeroPress carefully in a circular motion 20 times .
6. **Flip and Press:**
- At 1 minute and 30 seconds (1:30), carefully flip the AeroPress.
- Slowly press the plunger to filter the coffee over 30 seconds.
7. **Add Cold Water:**
- Once the coffee is filtered, add 30 ml of cold water at room temperature to balance and adjust the flavor.